Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.
If you can't find your answer, please don't hesitate to contact the Hoplance team.
We believe that high-quality freelancers and contractors deserve a better solution to effectively find high-quality projects.
We are running a clean marketplace where we promote quality instead of price. We don't allow recruiters to post projects. We source and select only the best project opportunities from large corporates or innovative startups and we made them available to our network.
Yes. You can sign up and set your availability according to your schedule.
We are committed to proposing 5 relevant freelancers to each of our clients' projects.
Clients can also find you and contact you directly, provided that you've set your profile as visible.
Yes, you can. You can also upgrade to an Agency account and create a profile for each idle staff. The more we know about your staff, the more we'll be confident in sending you new project opportunities.
Yes, you can if you and the client both agree. Some clients, typically corporates, require Hoplance to manage the contracting part though.
We retain a 10% commission of your earnings for the work we bring to you.
We have a growing pipeline of work opportunities coming in for a range of the following categories: web and mobile development, software development, web and graphic design, marketing, sales, project management, business intelligence, interim management, and more...
Yes, definitely. If you have any previous relevant expertise - at any level - we can find clients for you.
Yes and no. While Hoplance focuses on contract opportunities, some clients are looking for full-time employees. Some of them start hiring on a contract mode and decide to go permanent after a trial period. We are happy to discuss this with clients.
Yes, we expect over 50% of our clients are looking for remote applicants.
Yes. If you want to avoid finding yourself in a "dry spell", you should constantly be looking for new leads.
Our goal is to connect qualified freelancers to quality companies, which means that we often stop companies posting jobs if we are not sure of their quality. We don't work with recruiting agencies or "body shop" companies.
You have the option to set your profile as hidden from our search tool. However, Hoplance is designed to allow you to build your profile around your skill set and your past projects. You should treat your Hoplance Profile in the same way you view your LinkedIn profile when it comes to current employers.
Validated accounts will receive notice of work opportunities, clients can find you and contact you via our search tool - provided you set your profile as visible.
The more information you provide in your profile, the sooner your profile will be validated and the sooner you'll receive relevant work opportunities.
We are very transparent and we like to work like that. We take 10% of the money associated with each payment you receive from our clients during the first 6 months. We subsequently take only 5%. We also provide optional additional Premium features or a monthly subscription.
We accept Visa, Mastercard and Amercian Express credit cards. Everything is securely handled by Stripe.
You can cancel your subscription at any time without any additional cost.
We use Paypal to secure all payments via our website.
Payments can also be made offline via direct bank deposit.
Any other questions?
If you still have questions, please let us know. We'll be happy to help.
No. Hoplance is all about direct contact between freelancers and their clients (or employers). Recruitment agencies roles will not be posted online.
Yes you can, you can either post a new project, in which case we'd shortlist a number of relevant freelancers for you, or you can use our search tool to find and engage in conversation with the freelancers you need.
Posting work opportunities, connecting and engaging with our freelancers is 100% free. Absolutely no hidden fees. You only pay fees once you contract consultants to work with you.
Yes and no. Hoplance is a professional services contracting marketplace but we estimate about 60% of our users are open to permanent positions as well. Clients typically start with a trial phase on a contract mode and offer a permanent position once their are confident with the quality of the freelancer.
We use Paypal to secure all payments via our website.
Payments can also be made offline via direct bank deposit if needed.
We take 10% of the money associated with each payment that freelancers on our network receive for their work. We also provide optional additional premium features, and the costs for these features are set out on the website.
Nothing. We only ask you to pay our freelancers via our service during the first 12 months. You can take them on your payroll after this period.
We review all requests for registration and in some cases we research and then invite freelancers to join. For additional verifications, we ask them to showcase examples of relevant projects so clients can also check their endorsments. Finally, we use machine learning and "human intervention" to help us understand their interpersonal skills.
The post is visible to relevant freelancers only. Those who are interested reply directly to us and we then short-list for you to review and select.
Relevant freelancers will be alerted as soon as you activate your project opportunity. Interested ones will reply directly to Hoplance and then we contact you with stand-out candidates and you take it from there.
Any other questions?
If you still have questions, please let us know. We'll be happy to help.